Hello! as many of you know, on the smp there is something often referred to as the "spawn shop". Here you can sell things to the server for money, in theory its a good system but it has many flaws. One being that someone can make a huge farm afk for a few days and make millions (some may not see this has a flaw but many do). Another is that it creates money and doesn't take it from anywhere. This causes massive issues in the economy and I'm suggesting a rather small (complete lie this suggestion is massive lmfao) change to help slow/fight against this. (this suggestion is split in 3 different parts, as there's 3 major parts to this)
Part 1: Promoting manual work and not massive farms
This is very simple. It just requires a pricing rework and more shops to be added. Basically, non-automatable variants of farmable items could be added so people have to work more for money than before. Example images are shown below.
(Note: these are all mostly random numbers, too lazy to create actual reasonable increases/decreases)
Deepslate Iron Ore is pretty rare and requires silk touch. cannot be farmed.
Iron blocks cannot be auto crafted.
Raw iron can not be farmed.
Iron ingots can be farmed very easily so price is reduced. (only by 20% because mob rates)
Pumpkin pie is farmable with villagers, so small increase.
Jack-O-Lanterns require coal and sticks, and cannot be farmed.
Carved Pumpkins require shears, so more effort than normal pumpkins but not much, main thing here is it cant be automated.
Normal pumpkin is easily farmable, so nerfed heavily.
Glistering melons require a melon slice and some gold, which can be farmed so small increase.
Melon blocks cannot be farmed and need to be crafted from farmable melon slices.
Melon slices are farmable and easy to get.
Stripped WOOD block, not farmable and alot of steps in crafting
WOOD block, not farmable and takes some crafting
Stripped Log, not farmable and requires stripping, which takes a while in large amounts
Log, farmable
(Note: Jungle and dark oak should both have lower prices than other trees due to their large trunks)
Part 2: Buy Shops and Tax Rework
Currently, the "tax" account/player's money is only from stall QuickShop chests and Bounties, which i think should be changed. Stall rent, and the soon to be proposed buy chests should add to this. Then, the money that this "tax" account has should be used to pay people when selling to the spawn shop. This solves the 2nd issue mentioned before. Now buy shops, Epic has mentioned he doesn't want them before, but i think they're necessary for this to work. To respect his wants, i suggest making them basically a scam. only 25% of items sold to the shop will be used as stock for these buy shops, and it will cost 6x the sell price. This allows people to still use stalls to sell these items, but in needy times able to be bought from spawn.
(I realize this is a bit complex, but alot of people focus on the economy and i think it should be worked on more. border is small so not many bases can be made, public anything are impossible, pvp is boring for most, community isnt as friendly as it once was, etc)
Part 3: How this could be implemented
Although i said this was a small suggestion, it is a pretty massive suggestion with alot of complex changes. So id like to discuss how i think this should be added. While most updates are just added then announced after, i think this should be hyped up alongside other wanted changes (casino, guild plugin update or smth) as a major update. would possible get players who previously quit to come back. Alongside this, i think another money drawback (not reset, like a 80% drawback or smth) should happen. this is a huge change and wouldnt have much of an effect if everyone just kept all their money.
Extra Stuff -
This is a massive suggestion and i really dont expect it to even be taken into consideration due to its complexity. because of this, i didnt put many other sub suggestions i had that add on to this. if this receives positive feedback and isnt instantly shutdown with the "not right for smp" or "too complex" by an admin i will make another thread talking about all those.
yay thats the end provide feedback in comments
Part 1: Promoting manual work and not massive farms
This is very simple. It just requires a pricing rework and more shops to be added. Basically, non-automatable variants of farmable items could be added so people have to work more for money than before. Example images are shown below.
(Note: these are all mostly random numbers, too lazy to create actual reasonable increases/decreases)
Deepslate Iron Ore is pretty rare and requires silk touch. cannot be farmed.
Iron blocks cannot be auto crafted.
Raw iron can not be farmed.
Iron ingots can be farmed very easily so price is reduced. (only by 20% because mob rates)
Jack-O-Lanterns require coal and sticks, and cannot be farmed.
Carved Pumpkins require shears, so more effort than normal pumpkins but not much, main thing here is it cant be automated.
Normal pumpkin is easily farmable, so nerfed heavily.
Glistering melons require a melon slice and some gold, which can be farmed so small increase.
Melon blocks cannot be farmed and need to be crafted from farmable melon slices.
Melon slices are farmable and easy to get.
Stripped WOOD block, not farmable and alot of steps in crafting
WOOD block, not farmable and takes some crafting
Stripped Log, not farmable and requires stripping, which takes a while in large amounts
Log, farmable
(Note: Jungle and dark oak should both have lower prices than other trees due to their large trunks)
Part 2: Buy Shops and Tax Rework
Currently, the "tax" account/player's money is only from stall QuickShop chests and Bounties, which i think should be changed. Stall rent, and the soon to be proposed buy chests should add to this. Then, the money that this "tax" account has should be used to pay people when selling to the spawn shop. This solves the 2nd issue mentioned before. Now buy shops, Epic has mentioned he doesn't want them before, but i think they're necessary for this to work. To respect his wants, i suggest making them basically a scam. only 25% of items sold to the shop will be used as stock for these buy shops, and it will cost 6x the sell price. This allows people to still use stalls to sell these items, but in needy times able to be bought from spawn.
(I realize this is a bit complex, but alot of people focus on the economy and i think it should be worked on more. border is small so not many bases can be made, public anything are impossible, pvp is boring for most, community isnt as friendly as it once was, etc)
Part 3: How this could be implemented
Although i said this was a small suggestion, it is a pretty massive suggestion with alot of complex changes. So id like to discuss how i think this should be added. While most updates are just added then announced after, i think this should be hyped up alongside other wanted changes (casino, guild plugin update or smth) as a major update. would possible get players who previously quit to come back. Alongside this, i think another money drawback (not reset, like a 80% drawback or smth) should happen. this is a huge change and wouldnt have much of an effect if everyone just kept all their money.
Extra Stuff -
This is a massive suggestion and i really dont expect it to even be taken into consideration due to its complexity. because of this, i didnt put many other sub suggestions i had that add on to this. if this receives positive feedback and isnt instantly shutdown with the "not right for smp" or "too complex" by an admin i will make another thread talking about all those.
yay thats the end provide feedback in comments
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