~ natashas introduction


New member
joined this server quite recently and its been a blast! really enioy the concept of everything and how well the games flow.

anywho, im 18 (going on 19) and from new zealand! im currently studying at university about economics. i also work at subway :-:

in my spare time, (when im not studying, working and or afk) i like to relax and play some minecraft. i take everything i do seriously, so im sorry in advanced if i try way to hard to kill you! (im just competitive)

hope i see you all on the server sometime! p.s ~ i never use caps in my writing lol


Heyyy, welcome to the server! I think I seen you once or twice in game but I hope you enjoy your stay here!

Ugh economics xd, I don't study it as a degree but I'm not a massive fan of it either since I had to study a bit of it since it was part of my degree. But good luck on your studies though!