Adding 1.7 Support - What's your opinion? Share it here!

Do you think 1.7 support should be added?

  • Yes! (Network wide / All Gamemodes)

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • No! I don't want it at all.

    Votes: 5 33.3%
  • Yes! (SG / PvP Gamemodes ONLY)

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • Sure, but I don't mind that much.

    Votes: 2 13.3%
  • Other (Reply Below)

    Votes: 1 6.7%

  • Total voters
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Active member
Hello OG-SG! Lately, I have seen many people talking about adding 1.7 support to the server. I have seen people come with arguments for and against. Because of this, I would want to summarise the pros and cons, possible ways this could be implemented, how likely it is to be implemented, and if it's worth adding it at all.

Your Help
I could make this and just put in what I personally think and the few people I have seen talking about this, but I find that very selfish as OG-SG is a community with multiple people with multiple different and unique opinions.

Want your opinion heard? Reply to this thread with that you think about adding 1.7 support, if you are for or against, the pros and cons you see and if you think it's worth adding it at all. If you don't want to say it in this thread, feel free to DM me on Discord (Frequix#2794) or start a conversation with me on the forums.

I need all feedback and suggestions I can get. And don't care if it's a similar opinion to someone else's. I care about all opinions and want to see what the majority thinks.

Before I end this thread, I want to say thanks to everyone who replies, everyone who watches & shares this thread, and everyone who plays on OG-SG. I plan on making threads like this one on topics more in the future, but I need your help!​


I would prefer 1.7 but if it impacts the server negatively then I'd see no point for it. I believe 1.7 should be only used for gamemodes that matter. So things like SG and PotPvP would fit in that category well as oppose to gamemodes like creative and survival.

1.7 would be great too attract more of the OG community as they may detest 1.8 but I don't mind if this doesn't happen. I'm a 1.8 player and this doesn't affect me that much but to other people it might.

I just thought that since the name is OG:SG it would be quite fitting for them to add 1.7 but I've never seen a server that's done 1.7-1.16 ever. It's probably impossible for this to happen. But I'd still rather pick 1.7 for pvp gamemodes like I mentioned before just for the good pvp experience.


Active member
I would prefer 1.7 but if it impacts the server negatively then I'd see no point for it. I believe 1.7 should be only used for gamemodes that matter. So things like SG and PotPvP would fit in that category well as oppose to gamemodes like creative and survival.

1.7 would be great too attract more of the OG community as they may detest 1.8 but I don't mind if this doesn't happen. I'm a 1.8 player and this doesn't affect me that much but to other people it might.

I just thought that since the name is OG:SG it would be quite fitting for them to add 1.7 but I've never seen a server that's done 1.7-1.16 ever. It's probably impossible for this to happen. But I'd still rather pick 1.7 for pvp gamemodes like I mentioned before just for the good pvp experience.
Thanks for your opinion!


New member
I would prefer 1.7 as it arguably is the best version for pvp and is what most of the OG community prefers. But if it isn't possible or would require to much work I don't believe it's necessary.


Active member
I would prefer 1.7 as it arguably is the best version for pvp and is what most of the OG community prefers. But if it isn't possible or would require to much work I don't believe it's necessary.
Thanks for your opinion!


New member
Instead of adding 1.7 support, I would rather see the OG-SG server cease support for all versions above 1.12.2. In the server hosting community it is commonly known that versions above 1.12.2 are very unstable when it comes to hosting multiplayer servers, especially servers with modded jars like Spigot.

This is not something OG-SG can do something about but something Mojang will have to fix in the future.


1.7 support should be added definately, but only for pvp gamemodes. SG hasn't really been that popular since 2016 or so and even earlier for proper SG that doesn't have any added features so the only people playing SG nowadays are people in the PvP community and most the PvP community plays on 1.7 so it would make sense for them to add 1.7. In my opinion this is the only thing making OG-SG worse than Backplay when it comes to SG. I believe that OG-SG should be the number one SG server, as for once we have a server that both adds no unnecesary BS and isn't a carbon copy of MCSG (for everything other than branding, lobby's and the colour of the scoreboard).


New member
In my opinion 1.7 support should be added for only PvP gamemodes. There's not much of a reason to add 1.7 support to what will probably be a 1.16 SMP.


Instead of adding 1.7 support, I would rather see the OG-SG server cease support for all versions above 1.12.2. In the server hosting community it is commonly known that versions above 1.12.2 are very unstable when it comes to hosting multiplayer servers, especially servers with modded jars like Spigot.

This is not something OG-SG can do something about but something Mojang will have to fix in the future.
Honestly I like this idea
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