Recent content by OG-Network

  1. OG-Network

    OG:Network - SMP Stall Guidelines

    Guidelines for Stall Usage [ 1 ] Obtaining a stall: You may claim a stall if: You do not own a stall on any account yet and you do not have an active stall ban on another account This includes obtaining a stall directly from another player. [ 2 ] Using a stall: 2.1) Decoration: You may...
  2. OG-Network

    OG:Network - Official Rules

    Note: Unless otherwise specified, all gameplay and chat rules apply to every OG Network-related platform. Jump to Specific Sections 1. Bans 2. Mutes 3. Discord Rules 4. Survival Rules 5. Forums Rules 6. RPG SMP Rules 1 - In-game Bans No hacking All forms of hacks are not allowed. Any...
  3. OG-Network

    OG:Network - Official Rules

  4. OG-Network

    OG:Network - Game Modifications

    Game Modifications Please note that these are some examples of allowed & disallowed Game Modifications. Please ask a staff member if you are unsure of a specific modification. Allowed Modifications ➼ Optifine ➼ Forge ➼ Sodium ➼ Lithium ➼ Phosphor ➼ Schematica/Litematica (Printer not...
  5. OG-Network

    Guide Moderator Application - Tips

    OG-Network Moderation Application - Tips Welcome to the OG-Network Moderator Application Guide. This guide will go through everything you need to know before applying and also give you some tips on how to make a well-written application, and help your chances of being accepted...