Hey, if you don't mind reading this "article", i would really appreciate it because I want people to hear my story. If you don't want to read it all, i'll do a conclusion at the end that you can just read.
Hey, i'm MrHankWalum (as my ign states), I started playing Minecraft in early 2012, but let's not jump straight there. My dad had a Ps3 because he enjoyed games such as rdr (Red Dead Redemption) and GTA 4 (Grand Theft Auto 4). My dad has been a gamer since he was a little boy and played the text based RPG Dunjonquest in which you customized a character and fought off monsters on different levels of the "Dunjon" to earn gold and buy better gear (Essentially, video games have been in my family since they were created). My dad LOVES video games and one of his first jobs was actually working at a internet company where he worked from home the majority of time and played VS games with himself on several different monitors while answering calls and responding to emails or whatever (I didn't really pay attention to the job part).
My dad got the PS1 console when it was released in late 1994 and has purchased all of the Playstations that have come out since then and i was born shortly after the PS3 came out in 2006. My dad was interested in the MMORPG Everquest at that time and it annoyed the crap out of my mom, he was getting up super early in the morning for these boss fights that happened like once every month to get a rare item or something, my mom wasn't a big fan of all the violence in the games but what she WAS a fan of was my dad getting up with me early in the morning so she didn't have to. I don't exactly remember this, it's just what my dad told me. I used to sit in his lap in a rocking chair at our house and watch him play Everquest at 2 am, when pre-school finally came around and everyone else was scribbling, i was drawing detailed illustrations of an archer shooting arrows into a massive tiger and blood spilling out of both of them (i'm joking of course, but you get the point). The first video game i really got into was Skylanders, you bought the game, and then you bought like figurines that you placed on a special pad to summon them into the game. (The figurines were incredibly overpriced, some being like 20 bucks per, so my allowance for completing chores was receiving like a five dollar figurine, or waiting four months and receiving a twenty dollar figurine. It was really fun because my friends and I would like trade Skylanders at school to complete special missions and stuff, i dedicated all of my spare time to beating Skylanders (which i did, eventually, more instances of the game came out so nobody really cared
) I'm pretty sure you could use the older Skylanders in newer instances of the game which was really nice, my favorite character was Trigger Happy who shot like gold coins from 2 uzi looking guns that he held in both of his hands, he had like no health but was able to kill tons of low level creatures quickly, now that i think about it, Skylanders was kind of like Mario or something because you had to solve puzzles and get past obstacles to reach a boss that you had to kill but that's beside the point.
After winter break in 2011, I heard my friends talking about a game called Minecraft, they were talking about making a big mansion or something, I was stunned because i'd never heard of a game in which you could customize the terrain or build a house or anything like that so I immediately went home to my dad and told him about it, he was just excited that I was interested in any game other than skylanders so he bought it for my family on the Ps3 after reading several articles about it. We stayed up all night that night just playing it because of how crazy it was, we built a little house in creative mode and i tried to blow it up with creepers while my dad protected it with water, we both laughed and checked out other aspects of the game with each other. This was my best experience with Minecraft that i have ever had. I am sure at least half of the Minecraft playerbase has had an experience like that where they are just like amazed at what the possibilities are in Minecraft. I went to school immediately after that and told my friend (we'll call him "john") about what my dad and I had done. He thought it was really cool and told me about what he had been doing in Minecraft, "John" described multiplayer to me and told me about this server that he had been playing on with tons of cool gamemodes etc. I went to his house after school that day and he showed me this "server" that he had been playing on, I was immediately intrigued and "John" said "wait until you see this", he walked over to a stone arbor with a red glass wall and above it stood 2 swords blocking each other, he walked into the glass and was transported to a temple looking thing, he was frozen on a slab in an arena sort of area with chests in the middle, there was a count down on the middle of his screen and when it hit 0, he was able to move. He ran towards the chests in the middle and took armor pieces and a gold sword from it and ran away, he did some cool jumps in this "temple" and managed to find a chest with a bow in it and found about 13 arrows scattered in several other chests as well, he fired arrows down on to his opponents, barely missing any of his shots. This amazed me and i went home the next morning after a sleepover at his house and told my dad all about it, i don't remember the name of the server now, but it was SO fun, I played every morning in kindergarten through third grade, I got really good at Pvp, by 3rd grade for me (around 2015), servers had started implementing game changing plugins etc. that just made servers repetitive, non unique, and worst of all, pay to win.
I played Minecraft a bit on my family's laptop since the Ps3 was getting a bit buggy because of how old it was, but Minecraft was just getting boring because I couldn't really play on servers without being killed by someone with a pay to win kit that they didn't need any skill to use, it was just messed up so i stopped playing minecraft for a bit and got more into Roblox until 2017 when my cousin introduced me to fortnite, which i played until like mid 2020 when i got back into minecraft because my dad had purchased a pc for working from home and he let me use it for schoolwork and stuff, I tried finding some interesting community minecraft servers but all of them were just blatantly breaking the EULA so I played Hypixel, I wasn't that interested in it but Pvp was kinda my thing back when i used to play and Hypixel was like the one Non p2w server i found, I also dedicated a lot of time into this one super p2w server owned by this youtuber named Loverfella, I would make a little bit of progress towards some good gear, then i would see a popup in chat "SUPER MONKEYMAN (or whatever the f*ck) bought a key on the store!" and i would just get discouraged, I got in touch with some of my old pals who i used to play with after finding several screenshots of me playing with them and looked into them a bit on name MC and asked around and eventually found their discords, they said they had moved on to other games like Call of duty and stuff, I wouldn't quit though, I got into this game mode called factions but then found it was super P2w so since then, i've been practicing Pvp and stuffs on lunar network and other dueling servers, potpvp is kinda my thing and im decent at bowing. I also kinda server hop to see if any servers are unique and non Pay to win, I also watched TheMisterEpic's video about "The dark side of minecraft servers" and was brought back to the good old days when i would just chill on some smp with my buddies and some other random peeps and we'd talk about life and just have a town and a community, I just miss that i guess. TheMisterEpic has become my go to channel for procrastinating and when i found out he was releasing an og survival games server, i was just too excited. I am not able to play right now because I have to focus on school, but when i am eventually able to play, i will. Thank you for this.
Hey, i'm MrHankWalum (as my ign states), I started playing Minecraft in early 2012, but let's not jump straight there. My dad had a Ps3 because he enjoyed games such as rdr (Red Dead Redemption) and GTA 4 (Grand Theft Auto 4). My dad has been a gamer since he was a little boy and played the text based RPG Dunjonquest in which you customized a character and fought off monsters on different levels of the "Dunjon" to earn gold and buy better gear (Essentially, video games have been in my family since they were created). My dad LOVES video games and one of his first jobs was actually working at a internet company where he worked from home the majority of time and played VS games with himself on several different monitors while answering calls and responding to emails or whatever (I didn't really pay attention to the job part).
My dad got the PS1 console when it was released in late 1994 and has purchased all of the Playstations that have come out since then and i was born shortly after the PS3 came out in 2006. My dad was interested in the MMORPG Everquest at that time and it annoyed the crap out of my mom, he was getting up super early in the morning for these boss fights that happened like once every month to get a rare item or something, my mom wasn't a big fan of all the violence in the games but what she WAS a fan of was my dad getting up with me early in the morning so she didn't have to. I don't exactly remember this, it's just what my dad told me. I used to sit in his lap in a rocking chair at our house and watch him play Everquest at 2 am, when pre-school finally came around and everyone else was scribbling, i was drawing detailed illustrations of an archer shooting arrows into a massive tiger and blood spilling out of both of them (i'm joking of course, but you get the point). The first video game i really got into was Skylanders, you bought the game, and then you bought like figurines that you placed on a special pad to summon them into the game. (The figurines were incredibly overpriced, some being like 20 bucks per, so my allowance for completing chores was receiving like a five dollar figurine, or waiting four months and receiving a twenty dollar figurine. It was really fun because my friends and I would like trade Skylanders at school to complete special missions and stuff, i dedicated all of my spare time to beating Skylanders (which i did, eventually, more instances of the game came out so nobody really cared
After winter break in 2011, I heard my friends talking about a game called Minecraft, they were talking about making a big mansion or something, I was stunned because i'd never heard of a game in which you could customize the terrain or build a house or anything like that so I immediately went home to my dad and told him about it, he was just excited that I was interested in any game other than skylanders so he bought it for my family on the Ps3 after reading several articles about it. We stayed up all night that night just playing it because of how crazy it was, we built a little house in creative mode and i tried to blow it up with creepers while my dad protected it with water, we both laughed and checked out other aspects of the game with each other. This was my best experience with Minecraft that i have ever had. I am sure at least half of the Minecraft playerbase has had an experience like that where they are just like amazed at what the possibilities are in Minecraft. I went to school immediately after that and told my friend (we'll call him "john") about what my dad and I had done. He thought it was really cool and told me about what he had been doing in Minecraft, "John" described multiplayer to me and told me about this server that he had been playing on with tons of cool gamemodes etc. I went to his house after school that day and he showed me this "server" that he had been playing on, I was immediately intrigued and "John" said "wait until you see this", he walked over to a stone arbor with a red glass wall and above it stood 2 swords blocking each other, he walked into the glass and was transported to a temple looking thing, he was frozen on a slab in an arena sort of area with chests in the middle, there was a count down on the middle of his screen and when it hit 0, he was able to move. He ran towards the chests in the middle and took armor pieces and a gold sword from it and ran away, he did some cool jumps in this "temple" and managed to find a chest with a bow in it and found about 13 arrows scattered in several other chests as well, he fired arrows down on to his opponents, barely missing any of his shots. This amazed me and i went home the next morning after a sleepover at his house and told my dad all about it, i don't remember the name of the server now, but it was SO fun, I played every morning in kindergarten through third grade, I got really good at Pvp, by 3rd grade for me (around 2015), servers had started implementing game changing plugins etc. that just made servers repetitive, non unique, and worst of all, pay to win.
I played Minecraft a bit on my family's laptop since the Ps3 was getting a bit buggy because of how old it was, but Minecraft was just getting boring because I couldn't really play on servers without being killed by someone with a pay to win kit that they didn't need any skill to use, it was just messed up so i stopped playing minecraft for a bit and got more into Roblox until 2017 when my cousin introduced me to fortnite, which i played until like mid 2020 when i got back into minecraft because my dad had purchased a pc for working from home and he let me use it for schoolwork and stuff, I tried finding some interesting community minecraft servers but all of them were just blatantly breaking the EULA so I played Hypixel, I wasn't that interested in it but Pvp was kinda my thing back when i used to play and Hypixel was like the one Non p2w server i found, I also dedicated a lot of time into this one super p2w server owned by this youtuber named Loverfella, I would make a little bit of progress towards some good gear, then i would see a popup in chat "SUPER MONKEYMAN (or whatever the f*ck) bought a key on the store!" and i would just get discouraged, I got in touch with some of my old pals who i used to play with after finding several screenshots of me playing with them and looked into them a bit on name MC and asked around and eventually found their discords, they said they had moved on to other games like Call of duty and stuff, I wouldn't quit though, I got into this game mode called factions but then found it was super P2w so since then, i've been practicing Pvp and stuffs on lunar network and other dueling servers, potpvp is kinda my thing and im decent at bowing. I also kinda server hop to see if any servers are unique and non Pay to win, I also watched TheMisterEpic's video about "The dark side of minecraft servers" and was brought back to the good old days when i would just chill on some smp with my buddies and some other random peeps and we'd talk about life and just have a town and a community, I just miss that i guess. TheMisterEpic has become my go to channel for procrastinating and when i found out he was releasing an og survival games server, i was just too excited. I am not able to play right now because I have to focus on school, but when i am eventually able to play, i will. Thank you for this.
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