Discord to Forums: Changelogs 29/04/2024


New member
@aboscuss 2:53pm PDT #changelogs
Changelogs 29/04/2024

- New RPG-SMP specific tags are in the webstore for purchase

- Celestial ranks should be able to start events on RPG-SMP

- Fixed empty buckets in the shop not stacking
- Fixed oni ranks not being able to use coloured anvils
- Fixed woodcutting quest #13
- Allowed oni+ ranked players to use special codes in signs
- Allowed oni+ players to change their playerwarp icon
- Potentially fixed sell chests not selling for correct amounts

- Still working on choosing between petals/in-game cash for class upgrades
-Investigating more issues with sellchests involving bedrock players
Both of these are being worked on, however some roadblocks are continuing. I apologize.


I am posting changelogs, updates, and announcements here because many people don't use discord, this was requested by many members of the server. I am asking the owners to start posting the changelogs, updates, and announcements here in the forums.

Link to original discord message

Love you all -Max328