Discord to Forums: Changelogs 05/05/2024


New member
@johnfries. 12:02am PDT #changelogs
Changelogs 05/05/2024


-Added a hologram displaying dungeons is closed due to maintenance. Sorry 😭
-Added a warning to all kit vouchers. Please empty you're inv before claiming.

-Removed chorus fruit in shop
-Fixed spawners being explosion proof
-Disco armour is now given to the correct ranks
-Changed all /c commands to /civilization due to conflicts
-Removed any faction areas in the spawn area (With exception of the main spawn)
-Civ land is no longer in nether (new gen of world)
-Fixed all ranks on store displaying SMP ranks in their descriptions
-Fixed the listing on all factions rank.
-Removed useless perks on the comparisons
-Fixed what perks are displayed as ✅ and ❌
-Edit messages sent in chat upon purchase of faction items
-Added /obsidianglass to Lord and Warlord
-Fix global skill boosters (They just didn't work before)
-Fixed commands for the store being ran on SG servers
-Removed SMP claim block reference on factions petals
-Changed all Faction status to the faction rank equivalent in /f cosmetics
-Removed /me command and removed it from Warlords perks. - Subject to come back
-Removed perk "Access to in-game chat through discord" as it had issues
-Fixed auto broadcast messages having incorrect chat color codes
-Removed stall reference on faction ranks
-Removed SMP ranks on Faction rank upgrades
-Changed the naming to be uniform across the server. ITS CIVILIZATION FACTIONS NOT FACTIONS CIVILIZATION
-Removed mention of rep in /rules
-Removed Respawn Anchor from the /shop
-Over hall of /shop
-Fixed typos in /skills
-Removed un needed text from store
-Fixed spelling on the main Civilizations factions.
-Disabled all commands in the tutorial world with exception of /spawn
-Fixed Sage rank not having multiple rank homes.
-Removed /horse
-Fixed /ah priority for ranks
-Fixed all crop growth not working at all

This close to release an yet such a big change log? TYSM @RedstoneIsGreat I'd keep a close close eye out on ⁠📢|announcements very shortly if you're interested in factions.


I am posting changelogs, updates, and announcements here because many people don't use discord, this was requested by many members of the server. I am asking the owners to start posting the changelogs, updates, and announcements here in the forums.

Link to original discord message

Love you all -Max328