Guide SMP FAQ and Technical Information


Sr. Admin
Sr. Admin
SMP FAQ and Technical Information

If you have any questions or want to know more about the SMP and technical details, such as mob spawn rates and limits, here's a thread of technical information and Frequently Asked Questions regarding OG Network's SMP. If something is missing or you would like to suggest something to be added to this list, please send your suggestions on our discord using -suggest!

Please note that this thread will be consistently updated should any rates change.

► Server View and Simulation Distance

Due to the significant impact of chunk loading on server performance, the view and simulation distance are pretty low, which may impact how you design your mob farms. However, we have a system in place that sends chunk data from the region cache to your client, which allows you to see up to 15 view distance. The actual server view distance is 3 chunks, while the simulation distance is 3 chunks.

► Mob Spawn Rates and Stacking

The SMP now uses mob stacking, which means that there is no mob limit per player anymore. A stacked entity will show a nametag above the entity and how many entities are in the stack. Upon killing a stacked entity, another entity will appear in its place.

Mob Stack Rate: Every 5 seconds
Item Stack Rate: Every second

Mob Stack Radius: 10 blocks (in each direction)
Item Stack Radius: 6 blocks (in each direction)​

Every 5 seconds, the server will check within a radius of 10 blocks to see if there are any mobs that can be stacked. If they meet the criteria, they will merge. The max stack size of a mob/item type is 999. Similarly, the server will check within a radius of 6 blocks every second to see if there are any items that can be stacked.

The following categories define the spawn rates of entities. Each time a new mob spawns within a radius of 10 blocks, it will automatically stack if there is already a stack of that mob type present:

Hostile Mobs: 1 every 0.5 seconds
Animals: 1 every 20 seconds
Water Animals: 1 every 20 seconds
Water Ambient Mobs: 1 every 20 seconds
Ambient Mobs: 1 every 20 seconds
Axolotls: 1 every 0.1 seconds​

► Stacking Exemptions

The following mobs will not stack:
ㅤ• Axolotlㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ • Trader Llama
ㅤ• Ender Dragonㅤㅤㅤ • Villager
ㅤ• Horseㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ • Wandering Trader
ㅤ• Muleㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ • Wither
ㅤ• Shulkerㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ • Zombie Horse
ㅤ• Skeleton Horse ㅤㅤ • Zombie Villager
ㅤ• Sniffer

The following mobs will not stack if they meet the following conditions:
  • Bees: if they belong to a hive
  • Magma Cube: if they are different sizes
  • Slime: if they are different sizes
  • Pillager: if they are a patrol leader
  • Ravager: if they are a patrol leader
  • Vindicator: if they are a patrol leader
  • Sheep: if they are different colours (all sheep in the stack will be sheared at once)
  • Snowman: if there are less than 5 snowmen in the 10-block radius
  • Iron Golem: if there are less than 5 iron golems in the 10-block radius
  • Turtle: if there are less than 5 turtles in the 10-block radius

► Mob Spawn and Despawn Ranges

All mobs on the server have a spawn range of 3 chunks, meaning mobs spawn within 2 chunks of where a player is standing. Despawn ranges work differently and are measured in blocks away from a player. There are two despawn ranges: hard and soft. The hard despawn range will despawn the mobs instantly, while the soft despawn range will start a periodic check and randomly despawn the mobs at intervals.

Hard Despawn Range (all mobs): 64 blocks
Soft Despawn Range (all mobs): 32 blocks​

► Item Despawn Rates
The default despawn rate of an item is 5 minutes; however, some items are set to despawn faster, as they are more likely to appear on the ground in larger quantities and very often. Here are the following item despawn rate changes
  • 60 seconds: Pumpkin, Melon Slice
  • 30 seconds: Cobblestone, Cobbled Deepslate, Rotten Flesh, Ender Pearl, Bone, Scaffolding
  • 20 seconds: Egg, Dirt, Sand, Red Sand, Gravel, Grass Block, Kelp, Bamboo, Sugar Cane, Twisting Vines, Weeping Vines, Leaves (ALL), Cactus, Diorite, Granite, Andesite

► Villager Behaviour Rates

Villagers have the most impact on server performance out of all mobs, so we, unfortunately, have to change some of their behaviour to make them more performant. Villagers will look for a workstation in 9-second intervals, check for a valid workstation in 4-second intervals and look for a bed in 3-second intervals. This might not seem to be a lot, but this causes villagers to work significantly slower.

► Hopper Changes

Hoppers are slower on the SMP due to hoppers causing significant lag if used in large quantities. We have added cooldowns to hoppers in the following areas:
  • Ticks per hopper transfer: 10
  • Ticks per hopper check: 6

► Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

The following are the most frequently asked questions about the SMP. Please let me know if you have any additional questions you think should be added.

What are the world borders?
The overworld size is 62,500 blocks in each direction.
The nether size is 15,000 blocks in each direction.
The end size is 65,000 blocks in each direction.

Is there a random teleport (/rtp or /wild)?
There is a one-time /rtp that will teleport you a maximum of 3500 blocks out. Once you use /rtp or /wild once, you will not be able to use it again.​

What is the server’s difficulty?
The server is on hard mode.​

How do I break or place blocks?
There is a spawn protection of around 250-300 blocks, so to break and place blocks, you have to run around 300 blocks out from spawn. Beware, though, that PvP is enabled past the red wool. New players have 30-minute invulnerability if they do not hit another player outside the red wool.​

What is rep (or reputation) and how do I get/give rep?
Rep or reputation is a unique system to OG Network, where players can gauge another player's trustability based on how much reputation they have. Players can have both positive and negative reputations. The reputation of a player can be found next to their name above their head or in chat. A high rep normally indicates a player is trusted and they are a nice member of the community. A negative rep usually indicates the player either scams, kills a lot, or griefs (They should not be trusted). To rep someone, do /rep <player>.​

How do I turn the scoreboard on the right off?
You can turn off the scoreboard with information, such as your balance, rank, and rep, by doing /sb.​

What is a home and how do I set a home?
A home is a saved location that you can teleport to by doing /home. Non-donators have one home, while donators can have multiple. To set a home, do /sethome at the location you would like to set. If you are a donator, you can do /sethome <name> to set the name for one of multiple homes. To delete a home, do /delhome. Please note that bed respawn points are disabled, and you will be teleported to spawn upon dying.​

Where is the player-run market?
The player-run market is south of spawn. There is a path that leads to it, but PvP is enabled, so be careful. The approximate coordinates of the market area are (X: 240, Y: 83, Z: 31).​

How do I sell items?
There are two main ways to sell items: through the admin shop or by renting a market stall and selling your items to other players. To sell items at the admin shop, do /warp shop and right-click on the sell sign with the corresponding item in the item frame above. To sell a stack at a time, crouch and right-click the sell sign.​
To sell and buy items in the market:​
  • To rent a stall, find a stall with a sign that says "For Rent."
  • Then, right-click the sign to rent the stall. Please ensure you have the required amount (listed on the sign).
  • You can rent a stall for 7 days at once. To extend, right-click on the sign again.
  • To sell items in your stall, place a chest down and left-click with the item you want to sell.
  • Then, type the amount of money per item you wish to sell the items for. It will automatically be created after this. All you have to do now is stock the chest!
  • You can also request items from players in your stall. After creating your sell chest, aim at it, and type /shop buy. This will switch your sell chest to a buy chest.
  • Finally, to purchase an item from another shop, go to another shop and left-click on a sign that corresponds to the item you want to buy. Then type the amount of the item you wish to buy. Also, you can use the command /shop find <item>, which will give you coordinates in chat to where you can buy that item.
How do I make money?
  • There are many ways to make money. The first two ways are shown above (by selling items in the admin shop and market).
  • Additionally, you can do /vote and go to the three links in chat and type your username in to receive $125 for each link. You may do this every 24 hours.
  • Furthermore, you can do /daily and click on the chest minecart corresponding to your daily claim streak. You will receive more money each day in a row if you claim it.
  • You can also make money through AFKing in the AFK area. You can gain $1000 every hour you stand in the area. You can get in the AFK region by doing /warp afk.
  • You may also win money from in-game events. Events happen randomly or are started by players. To join an event, simply click to join it in chat when it is prompted or do /events join if you are on Bedrock Edition.
  • Finally, we have a bounty system where other players can set cash bounties on each other. You can see the bounties set by doing /bounties. If you kill a bountied player, you receive the cash that has been placed on them, as well as their player head.
What is combat logging and what happens if I log off while in combat?
Combat logging is defined as logging off the server while you are in combat. When you hit another player outside of the spawn and market, you will place yourself and the player you hit into a 20-second combat timer. Within these 20 seconds, you cannot teleport anywhere, enter safezones (spawn and market), or log off. If you log off, a fake player (NPC) will spawn in place of your character and anyone can kill you while you're offline. So I advise that you do not log off while in combat​

What is the tag to the right of a player's name in the tab list and above their head?
The tag to the right of a player's name in the tab list and above their head is their guild tag. See the next question for more information on guilds.​

What are guilds and how can I make one?
Guilds are player-created groups or factions, that provide purely cosmetic features. A guild has 4 ranks within them: Owner, Admins, Moderators and Members. Moderators and above can kick and invite players to guilds, as well as set guild allies and enemies. Guilds also provide a group chatting system that can be accessed by doing /guild chat <message> or /guild chat to toggle it on or off. Note that you must be in a guild to chat in one.​
To create a guild, you must have a donator rank (Prime rank or above). However, any player can join a guild if they are invited or if the guild is open. If you are invited to a guild, you will be prompted in chat and can either click in chat to join it, or type /guild join <guild name> if you are on Bedrock Edition.​

For any other questions, I encourage you to read the info book in-game, which explains most of the features of our SMP. You receive the info book on your first join, but if you no longer have it, you can also do /infobook to view it.



New member
SMP FAQ and Technical Information

If you have any questions or want to know more about the SMP and technical details, such as mob spawn rates and limits, here's a thread of technical information and Frequently Asked Questions regarding OG Network's SMP. If something is missing or you would like to suggest something to be added to this list, please send your suggestions on our discord using -suggest!

Please note that this thread will be consistently updated should any rates change.

► Server View and Simulation Distance

Due to the significant impact of chunk loading on server performance, the view and simulation distance are pretty low, which may impact how you design your mob farms. However, we have a system in place that sends chunk data from the region cache to your client, which allows you to see up to 15 view distance. The actual server view distance is 3 chunks, while the simulation distance is 3 chunks.

► Mob Spawn Rates and Limits

Mob spawn rates have recently been changed to a dynamic system. Therefore, there is no concrete rate of spawning or limits. However, the rates are dynamically calculated based on server performance (in TPS):

20 TPS: 100%
19 TPS: 80%
18 TPS: 60%
17 TPS: 40%
16 TPS: 35%
15 TPS: 25%
14 TPS and lower: 0%​

The current spawn limits at a 100% spawn rate are calculated per player. Hostile mobs spawn every 10 ticks (0.5 seconds), while the rest spawn every 400 ticks (20 seconds):
Hostile Mobs: 8 per player
Animals: 3 per player
Water Animals: 3 per player
Water Ambient Mobs: 2 per player
Ambient Mobs: 1 per player
Axolotls: 4 per player
Mob spawn rates aren't the only thing dynamically measured by server performance. If the server's TPS drops below 18 TPS, the following functions will be temporarily disabled:
  • Mob spawners​
  • Portal farms​
  • Endermen farms​
  • Pigmen farms​

► Mob Spawn and Despawn Ranges

All mobs on the server have a spawn range of 3 chunks, meaning mobs spawn within 3 chunks of where a player is standing. Despawn ranges work a bit differently and are measured in blocks away from a player. There are two despawn ranges: hard and soft. The hard despawn range will despawn the mobs instantly, while the soft despawn range will start a periodic check and randomly despawn the mobs at intervals.

Hard Despawn Range (all mobs): 64 blocks
Soft Despawn Range (all mobs): 32 blocks​

► Item Despawn Rates
The default despawn rate of an item is 5 minutes; however, some items are set to despawn faster, as they are more likely to appear on the ground in larger quantities and very often. Here are the following item despawn rate changes
  • 60 seconds: Pumpkin, Melon Slice
  • 30 seconds: Cobblestone, Cobbled Deepslate, Rotten Flesh, Ender Pearl, Bone, Scaffolding
  • 20 seconds: Egg, Dirt, Sand, Red Sand, Gravel, Grass Block, Kelp, Bamboo, Sugar Cane, Twisting Vines, Weeping Vines, Leaves (ALL), Cactus, Diorite, Granite, Andesite

► Villager Behaviour Rates

Villagers have the most impact on server performance out of all mobs, which means that we, unfortunately, have to change some of their behaviour to make them more performant. Villagers will look for a workstation in 9-second intervals, check for a valid workstation in 4-second intervals and look for a bed in 4-second intervals. This might not seem to be a lot, but this causes villagers to work significantly slower.

► Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

The following are the most frequently asked questions about the SMP. Please let me know if you have any additional questions that you think should be added.

Is there a random teleport (/rtp or /wild)?
No, there are no wild or random teleport commands. Players must run out of spawn and travel themselves to start off.​

What is the server’s difficulty?
The server is on hard mode.​

How do I break or place blocks?
There is a spawn protection of around 250-300 blocks, so to break and place blocks, you have to run around 300 blocks out from spawn. Beware though, that PvP is enabled past the red wool. New players have 30-minute invulnerability, as long as they do not hit another player outside the red wool.​

What is rep (or reputation) and how do I get/give rep?
Rep or reputation is a unique system to OG Network, where players can gauge another player's trustability based on how much reputation they have. Players can have both positive and negative reputations. The reputation of a player can be found next to their name above their head or in chat. A high rep normally indicates a player is trusted and they are a nice member of the community. A negative rep usually indicates the player either scams, kills a lot, or griefs (They should not be trusted). To rep someone, do /rep <player>.​
Please note that reputation will soon see a revamp, which aims to make a player's reputation more accurate. Please stay tuned for announcements on that.

How do I turn the scoreboard on the right off?
You can turn off the scoreboard with information, such as your balance, rank, and rep, by doing /sb.​

What is a home and how do I set a home?
A home is a saved location that you can teleport to by doing /home. Non-donators have one home, while donators can have multiple. To set a home, do /sethome at the location you would like to set. If you are a donator, you can do /sethome <name> to set the name for one of multiple homes. To delete a home, do /delhome. Please note that bed respawn points are disabled, and you will be teleported to spawn upon dying.​

Where is the player-run market?
The player-run market is south of spawn. There is a path that leads to it, but PvP is enabled, so be careful. The approximate coordinates of the market area are (X: 240, Y: 83, Z: 31).​

How do I sell items?
There are two main ways to sell items: through the admin shop or by renting a market stall and selling your items to other players. To sell items at the admin shop, do /warp shop and right-click on the sell sign with the corresponding item in the item frame above. To sell a stack at a time, crouch and right-click the sell sign.​
To sell and buy items in the market:​
  • To rent a stall, find a stall with a sign that says "For Rent."
  • Then, right-click the sign to rent the stall. Please ensure you have the required amount (listed on the sign).
  • You can rent a stall for 7 days at once. To extend, right-click on the sign again.
  • To sell items in your stall, place a chest down and left-click with the item you want to sell.
  • Then, type the amount of money per item you wish to sell the items for. It will automatically be created after this. All you have to do now is stock the chest!
  • You can also request items from players in your stall. After creating your sell chest, aim at it, and type /shop buy. This will switch your sell chest to a buy chest.
  • Finally, to purchase an item from another shop, go to another shop and left-click on a sign that corresponds to the item you want to buy. Then type the amount of the item you wish to buy. Also, you can use the command /shop find <item>, which will give you coordinates in chat to where you can buy that item.
How do I make money?
  • There are many ways to make money. The first two ways are shown above (by selling items in the admin shop and market).
  • Additionally, you can do /vote and go to the three links in chat and type your username in to receive $125 for each link. You may do this every 24 hours.
  • Furthermore, you can do /daily and click on the chest minecart corresponding to your daily claim streak. You will receive more money each day in a row if you claim it.
  • You may also win money from in-game events. Events happen randomly or are started by players. To join an event, simply click to join it in chat when it is prompted or do /events join if you are on Bedrock Edition.
  • Finally, we have a bounty system, where other players can set cash bounties on each other. You can see the bounties set by doing /bounties. If you kill a bountied player, you receive the cash that has been placed on them, as well as their player head.
What is combat logging and what happens if I log off while in combat?
Combat logging is defined as logging off the server while you are in combat. When you hit another player outside of the spawn and market, you will place yourself and the player you hit into a 20-second combat timer. Within these 20 seconds, you cannot teleport anywhere, enter safezones (spawn and market), or log off. If you log off, a fake player (NPC) will spawn in place of your character and anyone can kill you while you're offline. So I advise that you do not log off while in combat​

What is the tag to the right of a player's name in the tab list and above their head?
The tag to the right of a player's name in the tab list and above their head is their guild tag. See the next question for more information on guilds.​

What are guilds and how can I make one?
Guilds are player-created groups or factions, that provide purely cosmetic features. A guild has 4 ranks within them: Owner, Admins, Moderators and Members. Moderators and above can kick and invite players to guilds, as well as set guild allies and enemies. Guilds also provide a group chatting system that can be accessed by doing /guild chat <message> or /guild chat to toggle it on or off. Note that you must be in a guild to chat in one.​
To create a guild, you must have a donator rank (Prime rank or above). However, any player can join a guild if they are invited or if the guild is open. If you are invited to a guild, you will be prompted in chat and can either click in chat to join it, or type /guild join <guild name> if you are on Bedrock Edition.​

Is there a server resource pack?
Yes! There is a player-created resource pack made by @CrusaderAether. It is, unfortunately, only available for players on the Java edition and you must have the Optifine mod installed to see the custom textures. You can download the pack here.​

For any other questions, I encourage you to read the info book in-game, which explains most of the features on our SMP. You receive the info book on your first join, but if you no longer have it, you can also do /infobook to view it.

hey man I used to play on this server alot and I was in that wave of dupers who hurt the server with the bedrock dupe (ign unfriendlydragon) I was wondering if since it has been so long I could be unbanned i get it if you say no but i am bored asf girl just dumped me so i have time to play minecraft again lol.


New member
SMP FAQ and Technical Information

If you have any questions or want to know more about the SMP and technical details, such as mob spawn rates and limits, here's a thread of technical information and Frequently Asked Questions regarding OG Network's SMP. If something is missing or you would like to suggest something to be added to this list, please send your suggestions on our discord using -suggest!

Please note that this thread will be consistently updated should any rates change.

► Server View and Simulation Distance

Due to the significant impact of chunk loading on server performance, the view and simulation distance are pretty low, which may impact how you design your mob farms. However, we have a system in place that sends chunk data from the region cache to your client, which allows you to see up to 15 view distance. The actual server view distance is 3 chunks, while the simulation distance is 3 chunks.

► Mob Spawn Rates and Stacking

The SMP now uses mob stacking, which means that there is no mob limit per player anymore. A stacked entity will show a nametag above the entity and how many entities are in the stack. Upon killing a stacked entity, another entity will appear in its place.

Mob Stack Rate: Every 5 seconds
Item Stack Rate: Every second

Mob Stack Radius: 10 blocks (in each direction)
Item Stack Radius: 6 blocks (in each direction)​

Every 5 seconds, the server will check within a radius of 10 blocks to see if there are any mobs that can be stacked. If they meet the criteria, they will merge. The max stack size of a mob/item type is 999. Similarly, the server will check within a radius of 6 blocks every second to see if there are any items that can be stacked.

The following categories define the spawn rates of entities. Each time a new mob spawns within a radius of 10 blocks, it will automatically stack if there is already a stack of that mob type present:

Hostile Mobs: 1 every 0.5 seconds
Animals: 1 every 20 seconds
Water Animals: 1 every 20 seconds
Water Ambient Mobs: 1 every 20 seconds
Ambient Mobs: 1 every 20 seconds
Axolotls: 1 every 0.1 seconds​

► Stacking Exemptions

The following mobs will not stack:
ㅤ• Axolotlㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ • Trader Llama
ㅤ• Ender Dragonㅤㅤㅤ • Villager
ㅤ• Horseㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ • Wandering Trader
ㅤ• Muleㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ • Wither
ㅤ• Shulkerㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ • Zombie Horse
ㅤ• Skeleton Horse ㅤㅤ • Zombie Villager
ㅤ• Sniffer

The following mobs will not stack if they meet the following conditions:
  • Bees: if they belong to a hive
  • Magma Cube: if they are different sizes
  • Slime: if they are different sizes
  • Pillager: if they are a patrol leader
  • Ravager: if they are a patrol leader
  • Vindicator: if they are a patrol leader
  • Sheep: if they are different colours (all sheep in the stack will be sheared at once)
  • Snowman: if there are less than 5 snowmen in the 10-block radius
  • Iron Golem: if there are less than 5 iron golems in the 10-block radius
  • Turtle: if there are less than 5 turtles in the 10-block radius

► Mob Spawn and Despawn Ranges

All mobs on the server have a spawn range of 3 chunks, meaning mobs spawn within 2 chunks of where a player is standing. Despawn ranges work differently and are measured in blocks away from a player. There are two despawn ranges: hard and soft. The hard despawn range will despawn the mobs instantly, while the soft despawn range will start a periodic check and randomly despawn the mobs at intervals.

Hard Despawn Range (all mobs): 64 blocks
Soft Despawn Range (all mobs): 32 blocks​

► Item Despawn Rates
The default despawn rate of an item is 5 minutes; however, some items are set to despawn faster, as they are more likely to appear on the ground in larger quantities and very often. Here are the following item despawn rate changes
  • 60 seconds: Pumpkin, Melon Slice
  • 30 seconds: Cobblestone, Cobbled Deepslate, Rotten Flesh, Ender Pearl, Bone, Scaffolding
  • 20 seconds: Egg, Dirt, Sand, Red Sand, Gravel, Grass Block, Kelp, Bamboo, Sugar Cane, Twisting Vines, Weeping Vines, Leaves (ALL), Cactus, Diorite, Granite, Andesite

► Villager Behaviour Rates

Villagers have the most impact on server performance out of all mobs, so we, unfortunately, have to change some of their behaviour to make them more performant. Villagers will look for a workstation in 9-second intervals, check for a valid workstation in 4-second intervals and look for a bed in 3-second intervals. This might not seem to be a lot, but this causes villagers to work significantly slower.

► Hopper Changes

Hoppers are slower on the SMP due to hoppers causing significant lag if used in large quantities. We have added cooldowns to hoppers in the following areas:
  • Ticks per hopper transfer: 10
  • Ticks per hopper check: 6

► Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

The following are the most frequently asked questions about the SMP. Please let me know if you have any additional questions you think should be added.

What are the world borders?
The overworld size is 62,500 blocks in each direction.
The nether size is 15,000 blocks in each direction.
The end size is 65,000 blocks in each direction.

Is there a random teleport (/rtp or /wild)?
There is a one-time /rtp that will teleport you a maximum of 3500 blocks out. Once you use /rtp or /wild once, you will not be able to use it again.​

What is the server’s difficulty?
The server is on hard mode.​

How do I break or place blocks?
There is a spawn protection of around 250-300 blocks, so to break and place blocks, you have to run around 300 blocks out from spawn. Beware, though, that PvP is enabled past the red wool. New players have 30-minute invulnerability if they do not hit another player outside the red wool.​

What is rep (or reputation) and how do I get/give rep?
Rep or reputation is a unique system to OG Network, where players can gauge another player's trustability based on how much reputation they have. Players can have both positive and negative reputations. The reputation of a player can be found next to their name above their head or in chat. A high rep normally indicates a player is trusted and they are a nice member of the community. A negative rep usually indicates the player either scams, kills a lot, or griefs (They should not be trusted). To rep someone, do /rep <player>.​

How do I turn the scoreboard on the right off?
You can turn off the scoreboard with information, such as your balance, rank, and rep, by doing /sb.​

What is a home and how do I set a home?
A home is a saved location that you can teleport to by doing /home. Non-donators have one home, while donators can have multiple. To set a home, do /sethome at the location you would like to set. If you are a donator, you can do /sethome <name> to set the name for one of multiple homes. To delete a home, do /delhome. Please note that bed respawn points are disabled, and you will be teleported to spawn upon dying.​

Where is the player-run market?
The player-run market is south of spawn. There is a path that leads to it, but PvP is enabled, so be careful. The approximate coordinates of the market area are (X: 240, Y: 83, Z: 31).​

How do I sell items?
There are two main ways to sell items: through the admin shop or by renting a market stall and selling your items to other players. To sell items at the admin shop, do /warp shop and right-click on the sell sign with the corresponding item in the item frame above. To sell a stack at a time, crouch and right-click the sell sign.​
To sell and buy items in the market:​
  • To rent a stall, find a stall with a sign that says "For Rent."
  • Then, right-click the sign to rent the stall. Please ensure you have the required amount (listed on the sign).
  • You can rent a stall for 7 days at once. To extend, right-click on the sign again.
  • To sell items in your stall, place a chest down and left-click with the item you want to sell.
  • Then, type the amount of money per item you wish to sell the items for. It will automatically be created after this. All you have to do now is stock the chest!
  • You can also request items from players in your stall. After creating your sell chest, aim at it, and type /shop buy. This will switch your sell chest to a buy chest.
  • Finally, to purchase an item from another shop, go to another shop and left-click on a sign that corresponds to the item you want to buy. Then type the amount of the item you wish to buy. Also, you can use the command /shop find <item>, which will give you coordinates in chat to where you can buy that item.
How do I make money?
  • There are many ways to make money. The first two ways are shown above (by selling items in the admin shop and market).
  • Additionally, you can do /vote and go to the three links in chat and type your username in to receive $125 for each link. You may do this every 24 hours.
  • Furthermore, you can do /daily and click on the chest minecart corresponding to your daily claim streak. You will receive more money each day in a row if you claim it.
  • You can also make money through AFKing in the AFK area. You can gain $1000 every hour you stand in the area. You can get in the AFK region by doing /warp afk.
  • You may also win money from in-game events. Events happen randomly or are started by players. To join an event, simply click to join it in chat when it is prompted or do /events join if you are on Bedrock Edition.
  • Finally, we have a bounty system where other players can set cash bounties on each other. You can see the bounties set by doing /bounties. If you kill a bountied player, you receive the cash that has been placed on them, as well as their player head.
What is combat logging and what happens if I log off while in combat?
Combat logging is defined as logging off the server while you are in combat. When you hit another player outside of the spawn and market, you will place yourself and the player you hit into a 20-second combat timer. Within these 20 seconds, you cannot teleport anywhere, enter safezones (spawn and market), or log off. If you log off, a fake player (NPC) will spawn in place of your character and anyone can kill you while you're offline. So I advise that you do not log off while in combat​

What is the tag to the right of a player's name in the tab list and above their head?
The tag to the right of a player's name in the tab list and above their head is their guild tag. See the next question for more information on guilds.​

What are guilds and how can I make one?
Guilds are player-created groups or factions, that provide purely cosmetic features. A guild has 4 ranks within them: Owner, Admins, Moderators and Members. Moderators and above can kick and invite players to guilds, as well as set guild allies and enemies. Guilds also provide a group chatting system that can be accessed by doing /guild chat <message> or /guild chat to toggle it on or off. Note that you must be in a guild to chat in one.​
To create a guild, you must have a donator rank (Prime rank or above). However, any player can join a guild if they are invited or if the guild is open. If you are invited to a guild, you will be prompted in chat and can either click in chat to join it, or type /guild join <guild name> if you are on Bedrock Edition.​

For any other questions, I encourage you to read the info book in-game, which explains most of the features of our SMP. You receive the info book on your first join, but if you no longer have it, you can also do /infobook to view it.

Thanks for providing all this useful info about the SMP and answering some common questions. It's super helpful to have clarity on things like mob spawning and stacking, as well as features like homes and guilds. I'll make sure to keep this in mind while playing. If I have any more questions, I'll check out the in-game info book or drop a message on Discord.