Guide Media Rank Application Form - READ BEFORE POSTING

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How to Apply for [Media] rank
Here you may apply for the [Media] rank on the network. This rank comes with exclusive benefits to make creating content on the network easier, as well as rewarding players for making good content on the server. If you are interested in applying for the Media rank, please ensure you meet all the requirements listed below.

Media Rank Exclusive Perks:
  1. [OG+] Rank Perks
  2. 6 /homes
  3. /back (10 Minute Cooldown)
  4. /nick
  5. $100,000 in game money on Survival
  6. Ability to promote your content in the #media discord channel
  7. /disguise (SG)
  8. /announce

Requirements for PERMANENT Media Rank (you only need to meet 1):
  1. 15,000 Youtube Subscribers
  2. 5000 Twitch Followers or 25 Viewers Average In Past Month (send a link to your Twitch Tracker -
  3. 50,000 TikTok Followers
  4. 250,000 total views on OG-Network content (IP must be visible) on TikTok or Youtube Shorts
Requirements for 30-Day Media Rank :
  1. 10,000 views on an OG-Network TikTok or Youtube Short (IP must be clearly visible in video, and must provide us with analytics as proof)
  2. 5000 views on a normal YouTube video (must still be OG-Network related)

If You Meet the Requirements and Want to Apply, Follows These Steps:
  1. Post in the Media Applications section
  2. Provide a link to your channel that meets the requirements.
  3. Provide your discord tag, with your channel connected.
  4. Provide your IGN

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